Monday, 26 March 2012

The thankyou letter

Just wanted to thank you once more for your brilliant support, and to give the final installment.

I finished the trek no problems, and had a great time doing it. In fact the whole year has been a real adventure, not just the 10 days in the Sahara.  It’s one that I shall always remember, in particular for the heart-warming generosity of my family and friends. Thank you so much – it has meant a great deal to me.

And the good news is that we have raised already a grand total of £4,623.05 (including Gift Aid), and I still have some more money to come from people who have pledged, as well as a car boot to do, stuff to sell on e-bay, and money still coming in from the poetry book. So who knows, we may even make the £5,000 mark.
If you want to see photos/hear about the trek (and the whole year), I did keep up the blog (after a fashion), and have also re-opened my Facebook account, where there are more photos.
The blog is here: , but you’re on your own with the Facebook thing, I’m afraid, I’ve no idea how you do it. But if you ask, I’ll be your friend.

Like me you may have been moved by the stories on the Sport Relief programme on Friday, and responded to their message of ‘Prevention is better than Cure’. It’s true, but I believe it could be taken a stage further. It seems to me that those children were  suffering as a result not just of a lack of access to basic healthcare, but because their families had been forced by circumstances often beyond their control to leave their own rural communities and live in poverty in the squalid conditions we saw in  the films.

By sponsoring me and supporting TREE AID, you have helped families to remain together in their villages, because they have access to enough food, a little spare money, and the hope of a future. You have saved countless children from getting sick in the first place. And you have helped in a small way to hold back the spread of the Sahara desert further south into Africa. 

Well done us!

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