Friday, 22 July 2011

A quick fundraising update

Wow - a couple of people have said they are thinking about doing the trek. I could have TREE AID company!

Just in case you're thinking about it and worrying about raising the cash (as I was), I thought I'd bring you up to date.

I sent out about 100 begging emails and letters to family, friends and people who have crossed my path (see blog entry number 1 - I really have been shameless).

So far, 37 peope have donated a staggering total of £2,483.43 (including Gift Aid). Some via Just Giving, and some with cheques. Thank you everyone. And thanks also for your messages of support which have been really lovely to read. I have thanked each one personally, mostly with a phone call - which has also been great fun. 6 more have promised to donate in the future, and others, I'm sure are just getting round to it.

I have also emptied out my piggy bank (VW camper van savings fund, actually) which produced £32.23 in 1p, 2p and 5p coins.

And sold off unwanted stuff in one car boot sale and to a vintage clothes shop (I know it was only a matter of time before they came back into fashion) to the tune of £70.44 and counting.

And made soups and salads for donations at work, raising £208.74 so far. I've had to pause on that for a while, because of time constraints (the garden calls in the summer months, and I have just received the key to my half an allotment - though haven't done anything there yet.) I will take it up again, because I really enjoyed doing it.

Grand total to date: £2,794.83
Plans for the future include more selling stuff (others have offered to donate for another car boot), running a quiz (thanks Helen for the questions), a 'pop up restaurant', and the film show.

And anything else that I or anyone else can think of that is legal and fun.

And I have a corporate sponsor . I know. It's so grown up! Thank you so much Rachel Demuth and friends at the Vegetarian Cookery School. We haven't worked out the details yet, but they have offered to make TREE AID their Charity of the Year. Hooray! And most of my recipes for soups and salads were theirs (not the abortive pea one I hasten to add. And they were tasty. Very tasty - ask anyone at work. (Cookery books and restaurant also fab - and I'm not just saying that - honest.)

I really want to get up to £4,000 now if I can.

By planting and protecting trees at the edge of the desert, we can hope to prevent the awful conditions that we can now see so clearly in Somalia.

So be bold - why not join me. You don't have to be a Grumpy, young people also accepted.

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