Sunday, 22 May 2011

Now, where was I?

My Mum was recently doing some clearing out and came across the letters I wrote to her from university – not many, and rarely more than 2 sides of A5, often in big writing. I’m not exaggerating when I say that each one began with the words: “Sorry I haven’t written for such a long time, but …”
Take it as read for the blog too.
A quick update:
  1. John has updated me on the Devon walk details. The Nose we walked around was Hope's, where there is, by the way, a small herd of Soay sheep - the same sheep that are so happy at Mark and Linda's homestead I visited earlier. They're happy because: a) they're not dead (they were rescued on their way to the slaughterhouse), and b) they have lovely living conditions, which include 5 star winter accommodation and a hill to play on (yes sheep do play - Mark has the video to prove it)
  2. The total height gained over the week-end was the equivalent of 1 Snowdon, from sea level to tip, although of course, as a mature walker, I know that in climbing Snowdon you would need to do quite a lot of those metres several times - such being a noticeable drawback of living on a lumpy planet. But then you probably wouldn't actually begin at sea level either.
  3. Did my first Car Boot last Saturday. A small affair in the car park of a local posh school - possibly not the most lucrative, but it did begin at 12.00 rather than the somewhat alarming 6.00 (on a Sunday usually) that seems to be the norm. Anyway, got rid of some things, including some vintage pyrosil casseroles (see more here: Quite strange the things that go and those that don't. The first thing to be snapped up was my 40 year old (and much used, so rather smelly) butter dish disguised as a Hovis loaf. Anyway, made a profit on the day of just under £20 and bought a brand new camping stove for only £3 - bargain, or what! And spent a lovely afternoon with Sarah and her kids - we shared a boot to cut down on entry costs.
  4. The training includes learning how to camp (hence the need for the stove) - will start at the end of June when I go with Sue to watch puffins on Skomer Island.
  5. Cycling still gong well - cycled 5.39 hilly miles each way  to Ashton Court Mansion for a conference on Thursday, and still doing the daily (3x a week really) work thing.
  6. Haven't done any more punitive swimming - but might do one after work this week, as I'm getting through quite a few biscuits these days, and don't want to take to many extra pounds to the desert. My friend Gary bought some boots recently that were 3oz lighter per boot than his previous pair - these things obviously matter!
  7. Will be back soon because I want to actually write about why  I'm doing all this, but need to get to B&Q, and get food in for Tuesday's salad (moved on from soups for the summer).
  8. Oh, and I finally sent out my begging letters - let the money roll in....

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