Friday, 18 March 2011

The beginning ... the begging letter

I thought it was time for another adventure, so in March 2012 I am going to trek across 100km of the Sahara desert. I’m doing it to raise money for charity – and to strike a blow for grumpy old women – it’s not only young folk who can do this kind of thing.

But I will need help. I need to raise a minimum of £2,600, quite a considerable sum, which is why I am starting now.

I am doing it for TREE AID, the charity that I work for. I believe whole-heartedly in the work we do, enabling some of the poorest people in Africa to work their way out of poverty, and build a future for themselves and their families.

Together we plant and protect trees for food, medicines and the raw materials for products they can sell at local markets. Because of this, the children are healthier, and they can then pay to go to school. At the same time, the trees provide shelter and restore the land so that crops grow better, and the growing desert is held at bay. Sort of a ‘buy one get one free’ approach.

If you want to know more, ask me, or visit our website:

What I’m doing
To raise funds I’m making ‘soup of the week’, which I sell throughout our office building at a profit. I’m turning my house into a ‘pop-up restaurant’ – inviting friends and colleagues to book a table for a small group to a meal cooked and served by me for a donation. I will be selling off my unwanted treasures at a car boot sale, and organising an intimate film night in my sitting room (no, not that kind of film, it’s just that it’s a small sitting room).

I will be contacting companies to see if they would like to sponsor me, And I will be shamelessly writing to everyone who is even faintly related to me, is a friend (or  a friend of a friend), has ever worked with me or smiled at me once, a long time ago.

I will also be in serious physical training – 100km may not be that far to walk, but it will be 100°F+ during the day (and freezing at night), and I will be camping!

What you can do
If you would like to help, please feel free to do any of the below (choose more than one if you want, don’t be shy):

  1. Make a donation: you can send a cheque made out to TREE AID to me, or visit my Just Giving page and donate online. If you can Gift Aid it, those nice people in government will give me an extra 25p for every pound you give – ask me how if you’re not sure.
  2. Tell your  family and friends – they might be inspired to support me as well
  3. Tell me any other sure-fire fund-raising ideas that you know
  4. Donate stuff for my car boot stall – or hold your own and donate the profits
  5. Collect loose change over the coming year – I have enclosed an inspiring label for your jam jar!
  6. Come walking with me – let’s make the training as much fun as it is possible for physical exercise to be
  7. Keep you fingers crossed and wish me well

So far, I’m enjoying the challenge, and really looking forward to spending time in the desert. I hope that you’ll feel inspired to support me (and grumpies everywhere), and change the lives of people in Africa.

All the very best